*Advantage 1 - Partnership with SHRI for Greater HR & Business Exposure Globally.
Whether you are operating a HR business in any spectrum or functioning a HR job in any part of the world, by partnering with SHRI, we can gives you a unique business networking opportunities more than just a local perspectives. If you are targeting international corporates and companies to introduce your product or services, SHRI is a good networking and business opportunity platform for you. SHRI has been building the HR brands since 1965. Below is the rapports and global relationships we've built over the years.
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*Advantage 2 - SHRI - An Anchor Point for Your New Business in Singapore.
If your company or branches is newly set up in Singapore, you need to expand and broadcast your business awareness, products and services as soon and possible. Besides tapping on your regular business network, you can now tap on SHRI memberships for your business advantage. Being long standing in Singapore since 1965, SHRI markets and runs regular networking sessions, forums, talk show, major events, corporate training, training room rental facilities and running school for specialised HR academy courses. We had had 3000 memberships, regular new visitors and candidates visiting us in every activities.
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*Country Advantage - If you are contemplating which country to invest? You may like to consider Singapore?
Why Singapore?
“A good place for start-ups” - By Infocomm Investments
Singapore is an island state situated in Southeast Asia. Not only is Singapore geographically well-positioned, it is also a nation with robust industries, good governance, world class infrastructure and logistics capabilities, a talented cosmopolitan population, and good connectivity. Time and again, Singapore has been ranked as one of the best places to do business in Asia and around the world. Being strategically located within hours of Asia’s large and fast growing economies such as China and India draws many companies to base their Asia offices here in Singapore. Singapore is a melting pot of cultures and is home to a multilingual and well-educated workforce. It has consistently attracted the best and brightest minds from around the world who now proudly call Singapore their home. Companies can also assemble international teams quickly and easily. Venture funding and other elements of the start-up ecosystem also play their roles in developing Singapore position and relevance as a tech start-up hub.
More good reasons of "why Singapore research", you may like to visit: Here (click here)
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